
Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy First Birthday Sweet Julia!

Our Sweet Julia,

I cannot believe you are 1 already! This year has flown by! You have gone from a tiny little baby who stayed in one place to an ACTIVE one year old who keeps us moving and on our toes! You are an expert at crawling and are working on walking. You love to pull up on us and walk while holding our hand, but you haven't mastered walking unassisted yet.

You still love to eat! You will eat almost anything we give you except diced peaches. You spit them out everytime! Some of your favorites are sweet potatoes (baby food), puffs, dill pickles and your very favorite is black olives. You also LOVE when we give you a sip of our sweet tea. As soon as you swallow it you say "mmm" and reach for more!

We bought you a sign language DVD last month and you have picked up on some of the signs.You know the sign for more, which is tapping your fingertips together. You often use this as "eat" also. You especially use this sign when you're eating off of our plates!
You LOVE dogs, especially Nelli and Caddy. Most mornings when you wake up "doggy" is the first thing out of your mouth, shortly followed by the sign for dog. The sign for dog is a pat on the leg, but you pat anywhere for dogs. Until recently Caddy has been your best buddy, and you still like to play with him but now that you are better at standing on your own and you can see eye-to-eye with Nelli you seem to gravitate towards her. You will pick their toys up and rare back like you are going to throw them across the room, only to have them land 6 inches in front of you! But both dogs rush over and nudge it back to you to throw again. You love to pet and pat Nelli but you think it is absolutely hilarious when Caddy barks. You definitely love dogs and I am happy to say that both dogs are very good with you!

You are always talking up a storm! Most of the time we have no idea what you are trying to tell us, but you keep trying anways! You have mastered "Mama", "Dada", "Doggy", "Oh no", "Hey" and "Bye". You still wave that precious wave with your wrist, I keep telling your Daddy you destined to be a beauty queen!

You still love to do "Touchdown Auburn". Sometimes if you are not the center of attention you will put your hands in the air and look at us like, "Ok, tell me to do my trick so everyone will look at me". You also do "Oh no". When we tell you oh no you put your hands on your head. I'm not quite sure where you picked that one up, but it is pretty cute. :) This month we also taught you how old you are. When we say "How old is Julia?" you hold up one finger. It's official, not only are you the cutest baby ever, you're a genius too.

You are such a sweet and happy baby. You are constantly smiling and laughing. On the rare occassion that you are fussing it is almost always because you want to be held or are tired. You love to play and seem to play well by yourself and with others. If you have a toy you will gladly give it to your friends, but if they have something you want you want it right away and will often take it from them! At least you don't mind sharing with them!

You are wearing size 4 diapers and 12 or 12-18 month clothes. You still love your paci and your bottle. You do great drinking your juice out of your sippy cup so I'm hoping to transition your milk to your sippy cup this month too, but I have a feeling we will keep your nighttime bottle for a little while longer, but I'm ok with that. I have no plans of taking your paci away anytime soon, but I have a feeling it's going to be a fight when I do. Most of the time I can take it away from you and you don't even care, but if you find one in your toy box or car seat it goes into your mouth as soon as you can reach it.

You still "only" have your bottom 2 teeth. People often ask if you have "only have 2". Your gums have started to feel a little harder though so I don't think it will be long before the top 2 start to pop through. Your daddy and I often tease that your gums are going to be so calused and tough from eating without teeth that you're teeth aren't going to be able to break through!

Julia, you have brought so much joy and happiness to our lives this year, and we cannot remember life before you. Almost daily your daddy and I will look at each other and say " She's so cool" or "She's so cute" or "I love her so much". Even after a year, we cannot belive that God chose up to be your parents. We feel so lucky and blessed to have you in our lives and we cannot wait to see what this year holds.

Happy first birthday, sweet girl. We love you so much.

Mommy & Daddy

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