After school today we got to pick up Julia's mount from her deer last week. She was so excited and kept telling the guy, I shot that!
After we picked up Julia's mount we headed straight to St. John's Catholic Church for Storytime with Santa. It was quite chaotic, but the girls had a good time. They had a chili bar, snowball fights, photo booth, a life size "gingerbread" house, crafts, and of course Santa!
Charlotte still isn't a fan of Santa!
Sweet friends!
Charlotte made a wreath at the craft table.
The wild children having a snowball fight!
Such a fun night, Christmas activities are in full swing!
Julia and Michael got invited to go deer hunting with a friend today and I'm not sure who was more excited. Julia practically jumped up and down with excitement when Michael asked her if she wanted to go!
Michael sent me this text this afternoon. That looks like some pretty cushy deer hunting!
He texted me this afternoon and said that Julia shot a deer. I certainly didn't expect her to shoot one and I wasn't really sure how she would handle it, but she was so excited.
Proud Daddy
She had just a little bit of blood left on her face when she got home (the red around her mouth is ketchup - I should have wiped her face off first!)
Michael and I continued our tradition of Black Friday shopping today. We don't get up super early and go anymore since most of the big items are on sale on Thanksgiving night but we still got some good deals, knocked out a lot of our Christmas shopping, and the girls got to hang with Sarah and Aunt Shan!
The girls and I did some baking for Thanksgiving tomorrow. We made a cinnamon roll apple pie. We haven't tasted it yet, but it looks and smells good. These girls love to cook and be in the kitchen!
Today was not a good "elf" day for Julia. The girls got this note from Tinsel and Jingle this morning and then Julia accidentally touched Tinsel this afternoon. It was a rough elf day around here!
Charlotte had her Thanksgiving program today at FUMC. She woke up SO excited this morning. She was ready to go as soon as we took Julia to school even though her program wasn't until 10:00! I stalled her a little bit while I took a shower and got dressed and then we took some pictures, but by 8:30 we were at Panera for breakfast. We got to church super early and sat in the car for about 15 minutes until it was time to go in. She was just so excited she could hardly stand it!
Her class was Indians so she had to dress the part!
Breakfast date at Panera
She smiled so big and did so good. She has been so excited all day, even after her program!
This week was Iron Bowl spirit week at dance. The girls got to wear their favorite team colors and do some fun activities at dance.
The girls and I went to Dothan tonight to run a few errands while Michael was at the Troy game. Charlotte didn't nap today, but when we got to Dothan she was OUT! That's some good sleep!
When we got back from Dothan we took our first trip through the Christmas lights at the Trawick's. The girls were so excited to see all the lights!
We had a fun, but busy day. We only have one more day of school left this week and then we get a whole week off for Thanksgiving! I can't wait!