We started our morning out with my favorite thing to do at Miles Grant - Sunday brunch at the club!
After brunch with Nan and Big the girls and Michael and I took off for some South Florida adventures. Our first stop was Charlotte's favorite place, the sea turtle hospital!
Next, we headed down to Palm Beach. We stopped by Mar-a-Lago and the girls dipped their feet in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time!
Then we headed back to Nan and Big's to relish the 80 degree weather and do a little swimming. Charlotte got a little too brave and got over her head and Michael had to jump in and grab her.
After pool time we had a birthday party for Grandma. She turns 100 in March! The girls loved counting out 100 candles and putting them on her cake.
And, our last stop of the day was Conchy Joe's for Michael's favorite, conch chowder. Charlotte tried the conch fritters for the first time and I think it's safe to say that she's a fan! They had a band playing and the girls had fun dancing.
What a fun day and weekend in South Florida, but we're headed home tomorrow. Until next time, Stuart!