Julia woke up again this morning with a snotty nose although Nana said she had a pretty good day today. I am SO ready for her to feel 100% again!
After I picked Julia up we ran into Wal-Mart and got the ingredients to make chili. It's finally supposed to drop down into the 30's tonight! We spent our evening trying to finish decorating for Christmas and catching up on Glee. While we were decorating for Christmas this
got replaced with this!
Or more realistically this got replaced!
Tonight we gave Julia some of her yogurt melts while we were eating our dinner. She has decided she is not a fan of them and knocked a couple on the floor while she was playing with them. Shortly after she discovered that while she may not like yogurt melts, the dogs do! She was so funny knocking them on the floor and watching the dogs eat them. She loves Nelli and Caddy!

Mama bought her a Little People Nativity Set for a "pre-Christmas" present so after dinner while Michael and I were watching Glee I pulled it out and let her play with it on the floor. She loves it! I have been looking for a nice nativity set for us for a while now and can't find one that I like in a decent price range with all the pieces that I want so I joked to Mama that Julia has a real nativity set before I do!
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