Julia had her last day of horse camp today. She has loved every second of it, but I will be glad to sleep in tomorrow!
Charlotte and I headed to Dothan for the morning after we dropped Julia off. Our first stop was Kohl's. She was so funny looking at everything. She would look at something and say "Mama, that's pretty!" or "Mama, you need that!" She asked for some new make up and since it was on the clearance rack for $2 I couldn't tell her no. She was so excited!

Mrs. Karen posted this picture on Facebook today. Julia said that this was the best week ever! She's just upset she doesn't have horse camp tomorrow.
Our new neighbors came over for dinner tonight. Julia and I made a cake while Charlotte was napping. It's a recipe that I found a couple weeks ago, but I've been looking for an excuse to make it. I made the cake and Julia decorated it. It started out with just a blueberry smiley face and then she filled it in!

Ignore her hair, she had just gotten out of the bath!
Julia and I saved the batter for Charlotte to lick when she woke up from her nap. Julia was pretty hesitant to save her one, but she was excited when Charlotte offered to share it with her!

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