Today was parent visitation for Pod B-1. That meant Michael and I got to go spend time with Julia in her class and eat lunch with her. When I got there I started helping her make her Indian vest. It came as no surprise that she chose Riding Horse as her Indian name again this year.
We knew there was bad weather predicted and central office had already announced that we would release 1:00 due to the threat of severe weather, but after being in Julia's class for about 10 minutes the sirens went off and we were all ushered out of the room into the safe place. Michael didn't even make it in the building! By the time he got there we were locked down in the halls so he went back to his office. We sat in the hall for about 30 minutes before they let parents start leaving with their children. Unfortunately we didn't get to eat our lunch or visit the book fair. It wasn't the parent visitation we had envisioned but it was an unforgettable one for sure!

She was SO excited that I was there and that her daddy was on his way!
The kids knew exactly what to do in severe weather. Some of them realized that this wasn't a drill and got a little upset, but for the most part they were all great!
I checked Rollin and Jase out and took them with me. I swapped Rollin for Charlotte at Nana and Pop's, dropped Julia and Charlotte off with Michael, and headed back to EHS with Jase to help with dismissal. We let out at 1:00 and immediately had to call the students back into the storm shelter where we sat for an hour while we waited for the tornado warning to pass.
We finally got home about 2:30 and crashed! It was such a hectic and crazy day, but I'm so thankful everyone stayed safe! Two more days to finish this week out and then it's Thanksgiving break! It can't get here soon enough!
We finally got home about 2:30 and crashed! It was such a hectic and crazy day, but I'm so thankful everyone stayed safe! Two more days to finish this week out and then it's Thanksgiving break! It can't get here soon enough!
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