The girls have been begging to take Caddy on a walk. Since it was a nice afternoon out I gave in today. Some of my favorite quotes from are walk:
- "Charlotte, I'm a champion dog walker" - Julia
- "Mom, Caddy is not just cool. He's AWESOME!" - Charlotte
Charlotte found her necklace that she made at the Pastor's PJ Party.
I've given the girls two days to clean their playroom and they've made
no progress so this afternoon I locked the playroom door and told them
it would stay locked for 2 days and then we would see if they could
clean it up. Charlotte apparently didn't like that because she went to
our bedroom and shut and locked our bedroom door! Then tonight mom came
over and they were telling her about the playroom being locked. Mom told
them that maybe next time they would clean up the playroom. Charlotte
responded "Or, maybe next time you'll come over and clean it for us". That child keeps us on our toes!
After dinner tonight Julia was acting out Bible Stories for us. In the picture below she was playing a Shepard. She even used a clothes pin to attach the lamb to the blanket so it would follow her!
I am so glad Julia is feeling better. She get's to celebrate her very own 100th day of school tomorrow!