Julia had her 2 month check-up this morning at 10:00. She weighs 11 lb 3.5 oz (75th percentile), is 23 inches long (70th percentile) and had a head circumference if 15 1/2 inches (70th percentile). Dr. Whitaker checked her over and gave her a great report. He also gave us something to give her for her congestion so hopefully that will clear up soon! She had to get 3 shots (DTAP, ) and a oral vaccination for rotovirus. Michael held her legs while Mrs. Janet gave her the shots & I tried to "soothe" her, but really when you're getting 3 needles stuck in your legs & you don't know why there's not a whole lot you can do to soothe until it's over with. Mrs. Janet woke her up to give her the rotovirus vaccine first and she went straight back to sleep after she was done with her shots & has slept most of the afternoon. She was a little fussy late afternoon but I gave her some tylenol and she went back to sleep. She gets another round of shots at 4 months, I'm already dreading it again!

Pretty girl ready to go see Dr. Whitaker

Daddy's Girl

Mesmerized by the lights!
I love those chubby cheeks! They're just screaming to be pinched!
Big yawn, ready to go back to sleep

Daffy Duck Band-Aids

Sleeping Baby
I love a sleeping baby!
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