Today was the day Julia had to have her dental work done. We got up super early this morning to be at Southeast in Dothan at 5:00. She wasn't too sure where we were going or why we were going there. I told her that she had to get checked out to make sure she was healthy before her horse show tomorrow. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how well she did.

Squirt went with her.
Just doing a little light reading while she waited on the nurses.
They took her back about 7:00 and it took about 2 and a half hours from the time we left her until the time Dr. Crowder came to get us. They ended up having to do 3 silver caps on her back molars. It wasn't the ideal outcome, but it was the best thing and since they're on her molars you can't even see them.
When she came back to the room she was pretty out of it. When woke up a little she looked at her arm and said "Mommy, I look like a mummy".
Showing me her mummy arm
She was anxious to get the IV out of her arm. Once they got it out and changed clothes she fell back asleep while we were waiting on discharge papers.
We got home around lunch and I had high hopes for a nap. Unfortunately, Julia seemed to have napped all she needed. We did lay in bed and watch a movie and rest though.
This afternoon she was back to normal. She has been asking to try on her "horse riding clothes" so we put everything on to make sure we're set for her first horse show tomorrow. She got SO excited when she got everything on. She said "I can't believe I'm going to be in a real horse show"! She may not win tomorrow, but I guarantee she'll be the cutest one out there!

Today was an early morning and tomorrow's going to be a long day so we're heading to bed early. Julia's so excited I just hope she can sleep tonight!
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