Charlotte had her Thanksgiving party at school today. They were all so cute in their turkey hats. Mrs. Zoey told me that she was insistent that she cut her turkey legs, hence the two different length legs.

Daddy even got to come for a few minutes
I should have gotten a picture with her before the food was put in front of her!
Silly girl!
Charlotte and Ms. Zoey.
Charlotte loves Ms. Zoey, they spend every Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday mornings and Wednesday evenings together. We said at the beginning of the year they would either love each other or be sick of each other and I know that Charlotte loves Ms. Zoey!
This afternoon was Julia's favorite day of the week, horseback riding lesson day.
trotting with Lucy
Pure. Joy.
Learning how to post, she looks so professoinal ;)
When Julia first started taking riding lessons in September Charlotte wasn't too fond of the horses. She didn't want to get too close and most certainly wouldn't pet them. Now, she has decided that she loves the horses almost as much as her sister, especially Lilly!
Charlotte & Lilly
Julia's Thanksgiving Day program and one more day of work are all that stand between us and a week off! I. Can't. Wait.
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