Julia had her first Kindergarten field trip today. They went to the petting zoo at the Coffee County Farm Center. She went when she was in Mrs. Gail's class and last year at Miss Julie's and it's always a favorite. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go but Mom filled in and she and Ms. Parker took plenty of pictures for me!

Julia said she was crying in this picture. They had a big tent set up with black lights so the kids could see their "germs" after they touched the animals. Julia was afraid it was a haunted house like she saw on Halloween last year and wouldn't go in!
We had a photo shoot before school but when I put my memory card in my computer it was corrupted. Thank goodness I discovered it in enough time to do a reshoot! :) Julia has been planning this outfit since she first heard "farm center" mentioned at school. I tried to get her to wear a different top since that vest is just a little too small now, but she was adamant and in reality, I really didn't care. She looked cute and she was SO stinking proud.
This little girl right here has been giving us fits lately. She has decided that she no longer wants to go anywhere. 3 weeks ago she wouldn't go anywhere without crying. I dropped her off at Mom's and she cried. I picked her up from Mom's and she cried. She cried when we took her to school, dance and church. The past 2 weeks she has refused to go to dance and choir but has been fine everywhere else. In an attempt to get her to go to choir tonight I didn't say anything when she came out of the bedroom with size 12-18 month tights and her sisters red shoes on with her orange and green dress. We were walking into church and she wiggled her hand loose from mine and started squirming and pulling her dress up. I asked her what she was doing and she looked at my like I had three heads and said "pulling my breeches up". Her tights only come to about mid thigh at best!Unfortunately, she didn't go into choir without crying, but she did eventually go and stay! She can been as sweet as sugar when she wants to be, but she is definitely going to give us a run for our money!
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