Whew! Today was a busy day! It started off with fall picture day for Charlotte. She was dressed so cute, I hope she cooperated and smiled.
Ms. Parker posted this picture this afternoon. The class has been bringing in 3D shape objects and making a spooky house out of it. The spooky house was auctioned off at the Fall Festival tonight.
The girls were so excited about EEEC's Fall Festival tonight and finally getting to wear their costumes. Julia kept telling Charlotte that she was going to get to go to "sissy's school" and Charlotte kept talking about going to Kindergarten. Unfortunately, Michael had City Council tonight so I had to brave it with both girls by myself!
Of course one of our first stops was the pony rides. I'm pretty sure it will come as no surprise that they wanted to ride the ponies multiple times, unfortunately the pony rides cost several tickets so we saved them for other things.
We got to see Tucker. Today is his sixth birthday! I can't believe that sweet boy is six! It seems like just yesterday that he was born.
We rode the hayride before we headed inside for games.
I attempted a picture on the hayride, but Charlotte wasn't too sure about the hayride and Julia was too distracted to look at the camera!
Julia was excited to show off their spooky house. She was especially excited that it was the only one that had multiple bids at that time. I was super excited about that too; it meant I didn't feel like I had to bid on it! She begged me to buy it though. I asked her where we would even put it, she said the front porch!

Charlotte was really into the games. She wanted to play all of them!
When we got to EEEC I asked Julia what she wanted to find Ms. Parker. We would do a few activities and I would ask what she wanted to do next and it was always "find Ms. Parker". After we had been there about an hour I sent Ms. Parker a text and we met her at the inflatables outside.
Julia & Eli wanted their picture taken with Mr. Martin.
They had a nutritious dinner of hot dogs, pizza, popcorn, cotton candy, and coke!
I'm not entirely sure what this is, but Julia wanted her picture by it which meant Charlotte had to have hers made. I think it's something from Inside Out. The girls definitely had a great time tonight, but they were so tired by the time we left. Julia wanted to know if we could do it again tomorrow night!
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