God love her! I mean really, look at that face!

Here's a close up of it, in all it's squished up glory. Julia has taken to waking up about 5:00 and in an effort to take advantage of my last 45 minutes of sleep I usually bring her to bed with us instead of trying to "fight" her to go back to sleep. The only downside is, it's extremely hard to get out of bed when you have to leave this precious face.

My cheerleaders hosted our first day of kiddie camp after school today. We had a pretty good turn-out with 27 campers participating, but it's going to make for a long week!
I picked Julia up from Nana & Pop's this afternoon and we met Michael at the house to go take Josh & Katie supper and see sweet Baby Joshua.

He was sleeping so peacefully. It made me realize just how much Julia has changed in 4 1/2 short months!
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