Julia had her first play date today! Lindsay, Annabeth, & Emmalyn invited Donna & Raegen, Heather & Lucy, and Julia & me over for a play date this morning. We had a great time catching up, swapping advice & introducting the babies. Raegen is the oldest & Julia is the youngest and they are exactly 1 month apart. Annabeth was such a "big helper" with all the babies. Emmalyn's lucky to have such a sweet big sister! Thanks for having us over Lindsay, we can't wait to do it again!
Class of '02 babies, class of 2028!
Raegan Nicole (April 2), Emmalyn Austin (April 12), Lucy Jane (April 29) Julia Annette (May 2)
Annabeth with all the babies
Heather decided she's not ready for twins!
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