Today was Julia's Easter party at school. Charlotte and I took her to school and then came home to get dressed. While I was drying my hair Charlotte got one of my headbands out of my drawer and put it on her head. She is definitely our girly girl!

I dropped Charlotte off with Mom and went to Julia's class egg hunt and party. Julia found her 10 eggs and then helped her friends find theirs.
Ready to hunt!
Julia & Mason checking out their eggs
This was the best I could do for a picture of Julia!
These sweet girls have been friends since they were in the 1 year old class!
Julia's Class
(Lilly, Julia, Catherine, Mason, Bentley, Ella, Elaine & Garrett)
Brother Sonny came out and we lost their attention!
They had to show Brother Sonny their eggs.
Julia loves Brother Sonny!
After we hunted eggs we came inside for snacks before heading home!
Julia & Mr.s Gail
We had to take a few selfies to prove that I was there! I can't believe my sweet girl will be 4 in a few short weeks!
While I was putting Charlotte down for her nap Julia came into her room saying "I'm sorry, Mama. I was just trying to make you laugh." When I finally figured out what she was talking about I realized she had taken a red permanent marker to the wall in the hall, the air conditioning closet door, her little table, our dining room table & one chair, the kitchen counter, and a couple toys. Unfortunately for her, I didn't laugh (at least not much). So, after I took a picture, I made Julia help me clean it up. It came off the walls fairly easy with toothpaste but the rest of it was a little more challenging.
And, in true Julia form she had a melt down today because I wouldn't take her to the stables. She sat on the front porch and pouted.
This evening Michael and I took the girls to see the Easter Bunny. Charlotte was doing ok until we put her in the Easter Bunny's lap. It was all downhill from there. Last years pictures of Charlotte were a little more pleasant! :)
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