Last night was a rough night at the Walter's household. Julia was up pretty much all night which is SO unlike her. She would sleep for about 45 minutes before she woke up. If you picked her up & held her she would go right back to sleep but only for about 30 minutes or so. The rest of the time she was screaming. Since that was so unlike her & it is Friday we decided to take her into the doctor just to rule out an ear infection or something. As we suspected the doctor didn't see anything wrong with her but she has become pretty stuffy this afternoon. They did weigh her though & her weight is up to 10 lb. 4 1/2 oz!
This evening Mama, Julia, Michael & I headed to Troy to eat at Mossy Grove Schoolhouse before heading to Brody's All-Star tournament v. Troy. We didn't stay for the entire game, when we left at 10:30 they were just starting the 5th inning out of 7 and the game started at 8:00! They lost but we had a good time watching them play & it's a double-elimination tournament so they play again tomorrow! I think Julia enjoyed her first baseball game!

The sprinklers came on in the middle of the game! I guess they're set to come on at 10:00 pm & somebody forgot to turn the timer off!
Brody at bat

Julia's first baseball game. Can you tell she was impressed?

Hollye, Julia & I
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