
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fun at the Park!

Julia was not the best sleeper last night so when she slept in this morning we took advantage of it and didn't wake her up in time for church this morning. Instead we slept in, went to the park and got everything ready to head back to work tomorrow.

Nelli has a bad habit of drinking out of the toliet if the lid gets left up. It doesn't matter if there is water in their water bowl or not! I guess Caddy has picked up on this bad habit! I'm not sure how he got up there but it was quite humorous watching him get down!

We took Julia to the park to swing this afternoon. She loved it at first, but seemed to get bored with it pretty quickly! The slide however, did not impress her! She showed absolutely no emotion when we slide down!

We've had a fun break, but it's back to work tomorrow! :(

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