
Friday, September 30, 2011

Pep Rallys, Cupcakes and Friends - Oh My!

Julia and Michael came to the DHS pep rally today. As usual, Julia danced, clapped, cheered and had a good time. The theme was Pink out the Panthers for breast cancer awareness, but believe it or not Julia didn't have much pink to chose from!

After school Julia and I ran some errands around town. After Wal-Mart we went through the car wash. Julia was fascinated! 
After the car wash we met Harrison and Natalie for a cupcake at Cupcakes Y'all. Julia picked out a strawberry one. She ate all the icing off  the top first, at least she didn't waste the best part!

Of course no afternoon is complete without some lounging and Mickey Mouse time. Julia drags her little chair all over the house to whatever room we are in or wherever Mickey Mouse is on TV!
Tonight we met Jesse, Amber and Tucker for dinner at McLin's. We were lucky enough to get a room so the kids could get out of the high chairs play a little bit. It was the first time since Julia's birthday that they have played together and they have both grown up so much in those 5 months! They had lots of fun playing "hide and seek" and "loving" each other! Tucker would stand against the wall and count and Julia would do whatever he was doing. Such a fun Friday!

Playing Hide & Seek
Something was funny!
Loving each other

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Little Pumpkin

I took these pictures of Julia before we went to church tonight.
For the past month or so Julia has adamently protested going to the nursery. Her Mother's Day Out classroom is the same classroom that she has Sunday School and Wednesday night nursery in so I know it's not a "bad association" or anything with the room. I don't know what her deal is. She flipped out so bad tonight that Michael couldn't even leave her so we ended up heading home after dinner instead of staying for Bible study.

Since I got my new camera Michael has been interested in photography. He met us outside when we pulled up from church (we took seperate cars since he went straight from physical therapy) and asked if he could take our picture. I'm afraid we may have created a monster, but at least maybe there will be some pictures of me now!
This was closer to the face we saw at church. This time she was having a hissy fit because she couldn't get the locked door open on her car!
You'd never know she was in the middle of a hissy fit here!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Model in Training

I took this pictures of Julia outside this morning before we left for school. I think she was channeling her inner Sarah  and avoiding eye contact! 
I ordered a white background a couple of weeks ago to play around with, however I hadn't gotten it out of the box until today. These are definitely no where near good "technical" pictures, but I love that they capture her 2 favorite things - Mickey and the iPad (which is playing a Mickey Mouse movie!)
After we put Julia in her PJ's she usually crawls up in her daddy's lap and watches TV for a little while before we put her to bed. Tonight she crawled up in his lap and fell straight asleep! She was worn out! It must have been a rough day at school! :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Her own Mickey

Michael and I "slept in" until 9:00 this morning (8:00 our time). Funny how that would have been considered early not too long ago. We went to the World of Coke this morning, then got some lunch and found a toy store to get Julia a "prize". I wanted to go to the Disney store to get her a Mickey doll, but it was a little drive in the opposite direction we were going so we found a toy store and they had a Mickey doll for her! She has carried him everywhere tonight say "ickey! ickey!". :)
Opening her present
Calling Toodles!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Julia's Halloween costume came this week so I took the opportunity this morning to try it on. She's going to be the cutest dog ever! The funniest thing is when I put the head part on she started barking! 
After we tried her costume on we got dressed and played outside for a few minutes. We can't go outside without getting in her car. She goes straight to it every time. When we got ready to leave Michael told her to get in the car and she got in HER car instead of MY car! 
Next we dropped Julia off at GranDi and Grandad's and Michael and I were off to Atlanta! 
 We checked into our hotel and walked around for a little while before it was time to get ready for dinner. We ate dinner at Prime Meridian. We had a nice little view for dinner! 
Then we headed over to the Fox Theatre for Wicked! We both really enjoyed it, but it took a while to get going. The first half was kinda slow getting going, but the second half flew by. We had planned to go get dessert after the show, but between Wicked being in town, Midtown Music Festival and the Southern University V FAMU game at the Georgia Dome Atlanta is crazy! Instead we opted for pj's, football and room service!