Julia was up and at 'em early this morning, no sleeping in for us! She and Michael hung out on our balcony while I got dressed. It was a nice big balcony, but it had a view of the parking lot!
Then we headed downtown to my favorite breakfast place, The Original Pancake House. Apparently Julia got a little sleepy while we waited for our breakfast! I had the apple crepe, it was so good!
We had planned on going to the McWane Center today, but since it was such a nice day outside we decided to go to the Birmingham Zoo. Julia loved all the animals in the Children's Zoo. The animals are in stalls in a big barn and you can pet them. Julia thought it was hilarious.

Julia was very interested in this bunny statue.
Julia and Daddy checking out the turkeys
Looking at the birds
After we left the Children's Zoo area we went to see the tiger. I was a little disappointed that they only have 1 tiger and (s)he was taking a nap, kind of like our Auburn Tigers were doing Saturday afternoon! You can sort of see the tiger through the glass, just under Julia's hand. We also saw the Royal Family. The Birmingham Zoo has a lion mommy and daddy and 5 lion cubs that went on exhibit Labor Day weekend. It was obvious there were not very many Auburn fans at the zoo Saturday afternoon because lots of people crowded around the lion exhibit were talking about the "tiger cubs"!
Julia and Michael checking out the lion family
Our last stop was to see the kangaroos.
Hey Kangaroos! Here I am!
We had a great day at the zoo!
After we left the zoo we went to eat at Flip Burger at The Summit. It's a "burger boutique" that several of our friends talk about so we decided to give it a try while we were in town. I was a little disappointed. I was expecting sliders and lots of options for burgers, but there were only about 10 options for burgers and that was all the variety they offered. I think they change their menu regularly though.
Julia had a dirty diaper when it was time to leave so Michael went to change it while I used the bathroom. There was 6:43 left in the Auburn game when I came out so I stood at the bar and watch it while I waited for them. The game ended and they were still no where to be found. I checked the parking lot to make sure they weren't waiting in the parking lot and sent Michael a text, "Are you in the bathroom?". Michael didn't respond, but a few minutes later he came out holding Julia just like she is pictured below - bow, sandals, and diaper (except she was awake) and said "Here. We're leaving." I tried really hard not to bust out laughing, but I couldn't contain it!
About 10 minutes down the road he finally told me what happened. Julia had an explosion out of her diaper and all over her clothes. She didn't have any spare clothes in her diaper bag and he was trying to change her on the floor because the mens bathroom didn't have a changing table. It was quite hilarious!
After lunch we stopped by Rusty and Gina's to visit with them for a little while before heading home. It was so great to hang out with them and see little Cohen. I can't wait for another weekend away in Birmingham!
Julia sporting one of Cohen's tiger "Baby Legs" on her arm!
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