Pop dropped Julia off at school today with NO CRYING! I'm so happy she seems to be finally warming up to school.
I always tell Nana and Pop "thank you" when we leave in the afternoons. Today I picked up Julia to leave and told her to tell Nana "bye" and she said "Bye! Thank you!". I'm glad she's picking up on some good habits and learning her manners young!
No afternoon is complete without a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Julia can reach the DVD player and TV in the extra room and pushes the buttons on both of them to try to turn Mickey on. If she could just figure out which buttons to turn on the DVD we would have less melt downs!
Michael ordered me a new camera, the Nikon D5100, online last night so he went to Best Buy to pick it up after dinner tonight! Julia was already asleep when he got back but I had to take a picture of SOMETHING so I snapped some of her snoozing in her crib. I can't wait to play with it more tomorrow!

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