Julia woke up bright and early this morning in a good mood!
She has started singing a song from Mickey Mouse Clubouse. I tried to find a clip of it, but all I could find was the whole video. The song says "clap clap, finger snap, time to check the mousekemap". Here she is singing her version this morning.
We were able to go to gymnastics this today since I didn't have school. Julia just enjoyed being able to run free! She did like to walk on the balance beam and she was pretty proud of herself for figuring out how to get on and off the trampoline by herself.

She was worn out when we left!
We went to eat lunch with Jan, Josh and Stephanie at the Castle today to talk about wedding plans. Mom and I are directing their wedding in December! We were there for almost 2 & 1/2 hours and Julia was so good considering how long we were there!
When we got home I moved all her outside toys the inside corner of the carport because we're supposed to get some bad weather tonight. When I turned around I found Julia playing in the dirt!

She decided to see what dirt tasted like, I don't think she was a big fan!
We went over to Aunt Robin & Uncle Tom's for dinner tonight. Uncle Kenny let Julia dip her chips in his coke! That's a good man!
Uncle Tom had a flashlight that he was playing with with Julia. He gave it to her and turned it on. She would shine it on the wall and then try to point at it, but when she pointed the beam moved so she would say "Where'd it go?". When she'd find it again she'd say "There it is" and try to point at it again. This kept her (and us) entertained forever! It's so fun watching her learn and do/say new things everyday!
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