Julia and I got up this morning and headed out for day 3 of VBS. She wore this little outfit that mom made her last year. It was more of a dress last year and I think it looks even cuter as a top this year!
After VBS Julia and I loaded up and headed to Birmingham to meet the other Twilight queens at the Ronald McDonald house. We served the guests staying there a taco dinner and dropped off our pop tops that we had been collecting.
Julia & Mommy - she was a little weary of Ronald McDonald

The Twilight Queens turned in all their pop tops. I wish I knew how many pounds it was! The ones Julia is sitting on are all the ones she collected. Thank you to everyone who helped her!

The girls also played bingo with some of the guests staying there. Julia had fun turning the wheel!
Of course she didn't stay entertained in one place very long so we spent a lot of time out at the playground. She had a blast playing with all the toys!
Julia loved this bear she found in the play area, I was afraid she was going to want to take it home!
I debated driving home when we were done at the Ronald McDonald house, but Julia was ready for bed and kept asking for me to "hold her" so we decided to get a room at the Wynfrey with the other queens. When we got to our room after a little browsing in the Galleria we turned on the TV and found the Queens Jubilee Celebration on. It was towards the end and they shot off fireworks in front of Buckingham Palace. Julia started cheering and saying "Yay! Castle! Disney!" She has been so caught up in Disney lately, she asks to go to Disney almost every day!
We are going to try to get settled in for the night, we'll see how that goes. We have a full size bed and there's a dog across the hall that keeps barking! I hope it goes to bed soon too!
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