We lazed around the hotel for a little bit before we got dressed and headed out for lunch. Monday night we stopped by the Buckhorn Saloon to see what it was all about. They had a ton of animals that captured Julia's attention so I decided to walk down there and eat lunch.
All the animals kept her entertained during lunch, she kept asking if she could pet the moose which she was calling a goose! All through lunch she wanted to go up stairs and see the monkey, so after lunch we bought a ticket and went upstairs. As soon as we got upstairs she immediately freaked out and wanted me to hold her and asked to go home! We walked through, but she didn't enjoy it. Of couse as soon as we got out she asked to go again!
When Julia woke up from her nap this afternoon she was wondering around the hotel room. She found her sun hat that I brought and put it on and said "Let's go to the beach!". I told her that we would go back to the beach, but probably not until after Baby Charlotte was here. She stood there and thought about it for a moment, complete with her finger on her chin, and said "Well, I guess that will work"!
This evening we went downstairs for "happy hour" while Michael worked on his assignments for the night. We had some popcorn and a drink. When Julia got tired of eating the popcorn we worked on our shapes. She can recognize a circle, triangle, heart, star and square. She asked me to make an octogan, but I couldn't make it with our limited amount of popcorn!
When Michael was done with his homework we walked down to The Rainforest Cafe for dinner. Julia was hesitant of the animals at first, but warmed up to them pretty quick. When we got up to leave I tried to get her to go see the elephant and gorillas, but she wouldn't get too close. She did like the alligator though.

After dinner we walked down the Riverwalk. When Julia and I go out during the day I put her in the stroller because it's easier for me to manage by myself. There are a lot of little waterfalls and fountains on the Riverwalk and she always asks to have her picture made by them, so when we got to the first one tonight I took her picture. She wasn't extremely cooperative though, she was more interested in trying to play in the water!
She walked up and down the entire Riverwalk on the flower bed border with her arms out and every person we passed by she told them "I practicing my beam". Of course they all thought it was precious.Then when she got tired of "practicing the beam" she just plopped right down and waved and said "hey" to everyone who walked by. And this is exactly why I have to put her in a stroller!
Julia has been asking to ride the boat every time we've been on the Riverwalk and we promised her we would ride it before we left, so we decided to go tonight. She loved waving at all the people and looking for the fish and ducks.
Our hotel from the Riverwalk
There was an Army band playing on the stage on the Riverwalk. (This is the stage from Miss Congenitally)
And a blurry family photo, but it's the best we got!
Last night was a late night for Julia. I'm hoping tonight is not a repeat, but since she has been runnign around the room with her hat on saying "Yee haw, cowboy" and she's currently trying to brush Baby Charlotte's teeth I'm not too optimistic!
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