Do you ever wonder if you'll ever have a night at home to just relax? I used to think "when we have kids we'll stay home". Then I thought "when summer's over we'll stay home". Now it seems like we'll never actually slow down. We're always on the go.
I picked the girls up from Mom's and headed home to change clothes before Charlotte's open house. We were sitting at the stoplight by Sessions when I car passed by with an Alabama tire cover on the back. Julia immediately started yelling "Alabama! Gross!" and Charlotte quickly joined in. I guess you could say we're brain washing them. :)
Julia stayed with Granddad and GranDi while Michael and I took Charlotte to meet her teacher at Open House. Julia know's she is going to Miss Julie's and knows where Miss Julie's is, but I don't think she's connected yet that because she's going to Miss Julie's she's not going to Small Steps this year.

She loves to accessorize!
We dropped Julia off and while were backing out of the driveway Charlotte was saying "I wanna stay! I wanna stay!" I told her that we were going to meet her teacher and that she was going to school this year. I said "Don't you want to go to school?" Her response was a big "NOOOOO!!" I hope Miss Zoey and Mrs. Ashlynn are ready for her! :)
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