The day is finally here. The day Julia has been talking about since we registered her in May. The day she starts TAP! She was ready to go as soon as I got to Nonny's to pick her up. I had planned to take her out to take some nice pictures before dance this afternoon but it was pouring when school got out so we had to change those plans. Instead we took some shots on the front porch. Hopefully we can take some good ones this weekend.

She was so excited about taking her dance bag with her tap shoes in it!
When we were leaving dance tonight Julia said "Mama, did you see that boy look at me? He was fabulous!" I thought I had at least a few more years left until she started saying things like that about a boy, although I'm sure most boys wouldn't appreciate being called fabulous!
Charlotte stayed at home with Michael while I took Julia to dance. When I got home they were both looking in the fish tank. She told me they watched Doc McStuffins and played with Caddy too.
Michael had a follow up for his MRI today. He scheduled surgery for next Monday. When Julia woke up this morning she kept asking if Daddy was going to have to cut off his arm and how would be able to pick her up if he had to cut off his arm etc. (She woke up in the middle of the night asking me if he was going to have to cut off his arm so she must of been dreaming about it) So, when he was putting her pajamas on tonight he was telling her about having to have surgery next week. She came out into the living room and was so sweet telling me all about it so I had to have her retell me so I could record it.
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