Charlotte had her first doctor's appointment this morning. She weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20.8 inches long. I understand the weight loss, but I found it pretty funny that she "lost" almost an inch on her length. The nurse said it could have been from a cone head when she was born, but an inch seemed like a lot to me!
Dr. Whitaker said she has a little bit of jaundice so we have sunbathing orders. He told us to put her in a diaper, take the top of the Jeep and go for a ride! I'm not sure if I'm that brave yet though.
Waiting to see Dr. Whitaker
Charlotte & Dr. Whitaker
Poor Charlotte had to wear socks on her hands until we could get to Wal-Mart to get her some mittens. She was scratching her face up with her nails!
When we left the doctor's office we needed to run by Wal-Mart to grab a few things so Charlotte had her first Wal-Mart experience. She was screaming in her car seat so I carried her in the store, she was less than impressed!
Tracy and Brody came by after school to see Julia and Charlotte and tonight the rest of the crew came over to watch the Enterprise V Baldwin County game. The games are broadcast on so Michael hooked our laptop up to the TV so we could watch it. Julia particularly loved the halftime performance! :)
Happy Due Date, Sweet Charlotte!
Sweet baby toes!
Brody, Julia & Michael checking out Nelli & Caddy sunbathing in the yard.
Julia decided her car needed a new paint job!
My little jaundiced baby sunbathing
Julia had to go inside and get her purse before she and Daddy went for a drive! Michael said she'd been watching me too much because she insisted on her purse being in the seat next to her instead of in the back!
Go Wildcats!

Julia wanted a popsicle so she, Daddy, & Uncle Blake sat on the front porch while she ate it. I think she enjoyed the undivided attention from 2 of her favorite guys!
When the band came on at halftime Julia started dancing. Maybe she'll be on the Dance Line like her Mommy??
We got the swing from Nana & Pop's last night. Charlotte sat in it for a few minutes tonight, but didn't seem to be a huge fan. Julia had to try it out too, I think she exceeds the weight limit!