Today was the first day of Read Across America week for Julia. Today's theme was "Oh the Places You Will Go" They were supposed to wear a shirt from somewhere they had visited. Julia chose her Rockette's shirt from New York City.
When she was getting dressed this morning she told me she wanted to wear her hair down, no pony tail and no bow. My mama heart hurt, but I let her do it, she just wore a headband.

Tonight was family reading night at EEEC. There were 4 stations - a reading station in the library, a craft station in the hall, a snack station in the lunchroom, and a storytelling station in the gym. We ended up in the same group with Cooper and Ellington so the girls were thrilled.
After Reading Night we went to Santa Fe for dinner with the Robley's. A trip to Santa Fe isn't complete without a picture on the bull!
The kids had fun hanging out tonight, but it sure was a late night to start the week off! There are lots of Dr. Seuss activities this week for Julia!
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