We had our Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat at church tonight. Julia had a blast and Charlotte was a champ, hanging out in her stroller most of the night.
Julia on the hayride
Our little pumpkin
Julia trunk-or-treating. She got the hang of saying "trick-or-treat" pretty fast!
Holding out her bucket for candy
checking out her loot
They had to move the games inside because it turned cold today. Julia didn't play very many because the hallways were so crowded it was hard to get down there. She went fishing in the fish pond and then got upset because she wanted to keep the fishing pole!
Julia getting her prize from the fish pond. Can you tell by the look on her face that she was disappointed about giving back the fishing pole?
Michael, John, & Ben
I told Ben I could put an AU logo over that gig 'em sign!
Julia hanging out with Libby & Susie
Michael & I with our cowgirl and pumpkin
When we got home we put Charlotte in her bouncy seat while we ate dinner. She's starting to really enjoy kicking in it and looking around. I can't believe how big she's getting!
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