This is what we found in our yard this morning! Julia and Michael let the dogs out and noticed my car was missing. I guess Tinsel and his friends decided to have a night out in honor of Tinsel's last night at our house until next Christmas. I'm just glad he didn't hit anything, although I do wish he would have filled the gas tank up for me!
Trying to get Elmo

Mickey & Minnie were strapped in the front seat
"Mommy, what is Violet doing in my car seat?"
After we got Tinsel and her friends back where they belong we got ready and headed over to Nana and Pop's house for our Christmas Eve Lunch.
"Here Uncle Tom, let me show you how to work your new iPhone."
Julia enjoyed her lunch!
After our Christmas Eve Service we went over to Granddad and Grandi's house for dinner. Of course Julia headed straight for Mickey when she got out of the car.
Kisses for Mickey
After dinner it was time for our Christmas Eve drive through the Trawicks. I took Julia out of her car seat and let her ride up front in my lap so she could see everything.
Pointing out Mickey & Minnie when we first pulled in
She was too busy looking at the pretty lights to look at the camera!
When we got home it was time to hang Julia's new ornament on the tree, put milk and cookies out for Santa and get Julia in bed!
Hanging her new ornamnent
Checking out her new Mickey ornament
Giving Mickey kisses
Julia's 2011 ornament
Time to open our Christmas Eve presents, wonder what they could be??
I don't think Julia's going to have any problem opening presents tomorrow
"Wow! Pajamas!"
We had to leave Tinsel out so that Santa made sure to take her back to the North Pole on his sleigh. This is where Julia thought she needed to be left. I don't think he'll miss her!
Since we didn't have time to decorate our cookies for Santa this morning we did it tonight after Julia changed into her new jammies. I think she liked tasting the frosting more than she did decorating the cookies!

Kisses from Daddy
After we finished decorating our cookies we poured some milk and left them out for Santa Claus to come!
Julia had to test Santa's cookies one more time. She just wanted to be sure they wouldn't poisen him!
Sweet girl was so excited! I don't know if she truly knew what was going on or if she just knew something was out of the ordinary, but either way she was so excited!
This year I found a cute craft project that I made for Julia. It is a key for Santa since we don't have a chimney for him to shimmy down! So after we put milk and cookies out we left the key on the front door for Santa. Julia really wanted to hang it on our Christmas tree on the front porch, but I convinced her to hang it on the door so he wouldn't miss it.
Checking out the dogs inside
Trying to hang the key on the tree
We decided the door knob was a better place to hang it.
Santa's key!
After we had left all our goodies out for Santa I asked Julia to stand in front of the Christmas tree for me so I could get a picture of her in her Christmas jammies. She was such a ham. She loved her Mickey ornament and posed like a diva!
Loving her Mickey ornament
Loving Mickey again

Our little diva! I love this picture!
Reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" before Bed
And one last shot of our Christmas tree before Santa Claus comes!
Julia is still wide awake and doesn't look like she is going to bed anytime soon. Mama is coming over in a little while to stay with Julia while Michael and I go to the Midnight (10:00) service so I hope she's asleep by then! I can't wait to see her reaction in the morning!