
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Do you ever get the feeling that someone is watching you?

Well I got that feeling this morning! And when I opened my eyes I knew why - Tinsel was watcing us! I guess she wanted to keep a good eye on Julia last night and since she didn't last very long in her bed, Tinsel moved into our room to watch her.
Julia went back to school today. Nana said they nicknamed her Julia Childs today because she stayed in the play kitchen the entire time. She said she didn't even notice she was there to pick her up because she was so busy playing.

As soon as I got home from school and got Julia changed and Michael got off work we met at a cotton field to take some pictures of Julia. I've had a vision in my head for our Christmas cards for a while now but between sickness, weather, and trying to find a cotton field to use today was our first chance to take pictures. I hope the cards turn out cute! I thought the pictures turned out pretty good, and none of these even made the cut for the Christmas card!

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