Julia had her dress rehearsal for her first dance recital today. She was so excited and did pretty good. I had no idea how she would react when she got on stage, but she did great. I hope she does as well tomorrow night as she did tonight!

Julia with her trophy. Two trophies in two weeks!
Sweet friends ready to dance!
Sweet Henley is moving to Texas on Friday. We're going to miss her family SO much.
I was watching Julia and making sure that I kept her in the shot. Towards the end of the dance I heard some laughing and commotion and looked over to see that Julia and the few girls right around her were the only ones left on stage! Everyone else had left! They did their dance a few times before they got all the way through it. Hopefully they'll have a little better luck tomorrow! :)
Julia after dress rehearsal.
Her "funny" face
We ate dinner at Nana and Pop's tonight. When we got home they got some of their toys and gave me a puppet show on the couch. I love when they play sweet together!

Now it's time to get Julia in bed so she can be well rested. She has a big week, her last week of school and her first dance recital!
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