Thankfully Julia seems to be feeling much better today. She's still not feeling 100%, but she hasn't had a fever since this morning and it was only 100.2 then.
Sleeping her fever off on Mommy this morning
We got dressed this afternoon and went to run a few errands. Julia loves to help me put Nelli and Caddy in there kennels. Apparently they looked fun because when she went to put Nelli in her kennel she got in too! When I walked in and saw her she laughed and said "Bye Mama! See you!"
One of our errands was the bank, where Julia got a sucker!
This afternoon we got out the markers and paper and colored some pictures. She loves to color, I just have to make sure it's on the paper and not the wall, floor, table, etc.!

Since I was home today and Julia was feeling better I actually made a real dinner: crockpot bbq chicken, fruit salad, roasted potatoes, butter beans and garlic bread. It was nothing too impressive, but when I think about how long its been since I actually cooked a meal it's impressive that I didn't burn the house down! After dinner Mom stopped by for a few minutes between children's choir and adult choir and then we went over to Granddad and Grandi's for a little while. Julia got to love on 2 sets of grandparents tonight - what a lucky girl!
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