Julia went back to school today for the first time since before Christmas. Pop said when he dropped her off she ran straight to Ms. Sue and gave her a big hug!
It's Tuesday so that means tonight was another girls night for Julia and I! The zoo that Michael and I got her for Christmas came with a little DVD with 4 6 minute short stories. I put it on for Julia this afternoon while I changed the laundry and did a few other things around the house. She loved it! She laughed so hard when the animals made their sounds.
We also broke out Julia's MegaBlocks that she got for Christmas. She love stacking them up and making the "choo choo".
Walking the princess and horse through the castle gates

I may have gotten carried away with the block pictures, but she was so cute and attentive playing with them!
She had a tight grip on her Cinderella pez dispenser again tonight. I asked her who it was and she said "a princess". I think it's amazing how little girls are wired to recognize and be attracted to things like prinesses and baby dolls. You should have seen her face when I said, "yes, it's Cinderella". It's like she knew exactly who that was and she was starstruck!
Julia has had enough hair for a ponytail for a while, but I haven't pulled it back yet. When I changed her into her PJ's tonight I pulled it back just to see what it looked like. I don't think I like it! She looks way too "grown" with it all pulled up!
We're snuggled up right now watching "College Road Trip" on Disney Channel. They were just skydiving and Julia said "Oh no Mommy! Oh No!" I have a feeling at least one of those words it going to come out of her mouth in a second when I tell her its time to go night night!
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